

New Client Generator

The first version of the RESTUtils Client is officially in NPM! The RESTUtils Host makes it so easy to generate APIs with one command that it’s only fitting to generate the appropriate API clients also with one command. No installation is neccessary. From within your application simply tell the RESTUtils Client where your APIs are hosted: It’s another one-liner to generate everything you need: 1 2 3 npx restutils-client --host http://localhost:3001 \ --host http://localhost:3002 \ --host http://localhost:3003 Of course, it’s probably better to give your generated API clients names:

First Release of RESTUtils Host

More than likely you’re here for the RESTUtils Host; a small utility that instantly converts any JavaScript library or Node package into a web-based REST API with one command: 1 npx restutils-host --path ~/my-utility.js Of course, you can tell it to grab your package from a Git repo: 1 npx restutils-host --repo https://github.com/codergod/my-utility.git … or even NPM itself, if your library is already published… 1 npx restutils-host --name my-utility Here’s a quick video showing how to use it: